In Oriental medicine, passion fruit is bitter, sweet, cool, has sedative, nourishing, and nourishing effects on the mind. Meanwhile, some scientific research documents have noted that passion fruit contains many active ingredients with mild sedative effects such as: tetraphylline A, B, passiflorin, cyanohydrin glycoside, sulphate ester, ...
To treat insomnia from passion fruit, you can do the following:
- Method 1: Bring 15 grams of dried groundnuts and bring them as tea to drink.
- Method 2: Use young tops and leaves of passionflower. Wash to remove dirt and impurities, then boil or cook soup like other common vegetables.
- Method 3: Combine 15gr of passion fruit tree with 30gr of Vong leaves, 10gr of mulberry tree, 2gr of lotus heart and 90gr of rock sugar. Bring all the prepared ingredients to get the broth. Use decoction instead of daily tea.
Lac Tien is also one of the main ingredients used in Sao Thien Y's An Giang product.